Larch ‘Siberian’

Siberian Larch is a deciduous conifer (cone bearing) tree, but not evergreen. Has soft bright green needles but drops them in the fall, after turning brilliantly yellow. It is pyramidal in shape and its branches arch upward. Grows best in light, well drained soils.

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Larch ‘Siberian’ – bright green needles are densely clustered

Larix sibirica

Zone: 2
Exposure: Full Sun to Light Shade
Mature Size:  40′ high x 10′ wide
Tree Form:  Narrow, pyramidal
Canopy:  Open crown
Growth Rate: Medium to Fast
Special Features:  Needles are shed each fall
Fall Color:  Yellow

Description:  A medium to tall size deciduous tree, with a straight, gradually tapering trunk and narrow open crown of many irregularly arranged, slender somewhat horizontal branches. Bright green needles are densely clustered on short spurs turning an attractive yellow and then shed each fall. An excellent accent or shade tree.

Ornamental Features: Green foliage emerges light green in spring and turns yellow before shedding in the fall.

Landscape Attributes: Deciduous tree with a narrow open crown.  Low maintenance tree, and usually looks its best without pruning. Drought tolerant once established.

Additional information


1 Gal, 10 gal, 10-11', 11-12', 12-13', 13-14', 14-15', 15 Gal, 15-16', 2 Gal, 20 Gal, 4-5', 5 Gal, 5-6', 6-7', 7 Gal, 7-8', 8-9', 9-10'