Daylily ‘Barbara Mitchell’
Hemerocallis x ‘Barbara Mitchell’
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Full/Partial Sun
Mature Size: 20″ H, 18-24″ W
Flower Colour: pink
Flowering Time: midsummer
Description: Hemerocallis ‘Barbara Mitchell’, commonly called Barbara Mitchell Daylily, looks elegant and is one of the easiest perennials to grow. Shimmering peach-colored flowers with chartreuse throats bloom all summer. The large 6-inch flowers are fragrant and elegantly ruffled. It has grass-like strappy green leaves that make an excellent groundcover. Not surprisingly, it was a winner of the most prestigious award from the American Hemerocallis Society.
Ornamental Features: showy flowers, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones, and low care requirements this Daylily is a remarkable and stunning addition to the garden, Attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Landscape Features: Ideal choice for shrub borders, perennial beds as ground covers on slopes or containers. Great for small gardens or containers