Heuchera ‘Coco’ Coral Bells

Coco Coral Bells are a highly disease and pest resistant perennial that have a deep purple colour and prefer full to part sun conditions.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Zone: 4-9

Exposure: Full Sun to Part Sun

Mature Size: 6″ x 9″

Foliage Colour: Chocolate

Flower Colour: Pink Flowers

Description: A tight mound of rounded, lobed, dark chocolate leaves.  The foliage retains its colour throughout the growing season.  Blooms from Spring to Fall

Landscape Attributes: This is a clump forming perennial.  It is an easy to grow plant that requires little maintenance.  It is pest and disease free.

Additional information

Size - Perennial

1 Gal, 11 cm, 15 cm, 2 Gal, 9 cm