Maple Tatarian ‘Hot Wings’ – gorgeous accent tree!
Acer tataricum ‘GarAnn’
Zone: 3
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Mature Size: 20′ high x 18′ wide
Tree Form: Upright, spreading
Canopy: Dense
Growth Rate: Moderate
Special Features: Bright red samaras, fall color, very hardy, drought resistant
Fall Color: Orange/Red
Description: A small upright spreading tree with a dense rounded crown. A gorgeous accent tree with blazing red seeds in late summer and fiery fall colors. A must have for any landscape.
Ornamental Features: Greenish-white flowers in the spring are followed by winged seeds that become brilliant red as they mature. The foliage remains dark green throughout the season turning orange-red in the fall, creating outstanding fall interest!
Landscape Attributes: Deciduous tree with an upright spreading habit of growth. Low maintenance, very hardy, and drought resistant.