Linden ‘Dropmore’ – Hanging clusters of fragrant yellow blooms
Tilia x flavescens ‘Dropmore Linden’
Zone: 2
Exposure: Full Sun
Mature Size: 40-50′ high x 20’+ wide
Tree Form: Pyramidal, upright
Canopy: Dense
Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate
Special Features: Dark green foliage, fragrant yellow flowers, resistant to leaf gall
Fall Color: Yellow
Description: A large upright, pyramidal deciduous tree with a dense compact crown. Hanging clusters of fragrant yellow blooms appear in summer. Dark green heart shaped foliage turn yellow in the fall. One of the hardiest of Lindens. Gorgeous shade tree.
Ornamental Features: Produces fragrant buttery yellow flowers in summer. Dark green foliage throughout the season turns an outstanding yellow in the fall.
Landscape Attributes: A very hardy and adaptable deciduous tree with an upright, pyramidal form. Low maintenance and requires little to no pruning.