Daylily ‘Always Afternoon’
Hemerocallis x ‘Always Afternoon’
Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Partial/Full Sun
Mature Size: 22″ H, 18-24″ W
Flower Colour: pink shades
Flowering Time: blooming in early July
Description: Hemerocallis ‘Always Afternoon’ is a luminous early season Daylily that enjoys a profusion of large, 5.5 inch wide, perfectly formed, raspberry-pink flowers with an eye-catching plum purple eyezone and a green throat. The sepals are elegantly recurved while the petals are adorned with ruffled edges. The flowers last at least 16 hours (extended blooms) but no more than 24 hours, opening up in the morning and withering during the forthcoming night, possibly replaced by another one on the same scape (flower stalk) the next day. Nicely branched (up to 5 brnaches), ‘Always Afternoon’ enjoys a heavy bud count.
Ornamental Features: showy flowers, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones, and low care requirements this Daylily is a remarkable and stunning addition to the garden, Attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Landscape Features: Ideal choice for shrub borders, perennial beds as ground covers on slopes or containers