Lilac ‘Madame Lemoine’


The Madame Lemoine Lilac does best in full sun areas and is an excellent choice for privacy screens, windbreaks, and feature shrubs.


Lilace ‘Madame Lemoine’

Syringa kerrasis ‘Madame Lemoine’

  • Zone: 3
    Exposure: Full Sun
    Mature Size: 10′ high x 10′ wide
    Shrub Form: Upright
    Foliage Color: Blue-green
    Flowers: Double, pure white
    Flowering Time: Spring
    Growth Rate: Moderate
    Uses: Specimen, hedge, screen, shrub border

Description: An upright lilac with blue-green foliage and strongly scented, double pure white flowers in spring. Excellent choice for a fragrant hedge or screen.

Ornamental Features: Heart-shaped, blue-green foliage throughout the season turn yellow in the fall. Creamy white buds open to fragrant clusters of flowers called panicles. Great for cuttings and attracting butterflies to your yard.

Landscape Attributes: Dense, upright, multi-stemmed deciduous shrub. Low maintenance; prune after flowering. Deer and rabbit resistant and drought tolerant once established.

Additional information

Size - Shrubs

1 Gal, 10 Gal, 2 Gal, 5 Gal, 7 Gal