Physostegia ‘Vivid’ Obedience Plant



Physostegia ‘Vivid’ Obedience Plant

Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’ 


Zone: 3-9
Exposure: Partial Sun 
Mature Size: 24″ H, 12-18″ W
Flower Colour: pink
Flowering Time: mid-late summer to fall

Description: Compact, dwarf form with upright stalks bearing dense spikes of deep-pink, tubular, snapdragon-like flowers from mid-summer to early fall. This perennial is fast growing and will spread to make a big patch. Easily grown in sun to part shade. Loved by hummingbirds and also makes an excellent cut flower. Note: In sandy soil this plant may become invasive. If you have a large area that needs naturalizing this would be a good choice. Can also be used in the bog garden. Perfect for a wet ditch.

Ornamental Features: Excellent Cut Flowers, Disease and Pest Free, Attracts Hummingbirds and Butterflies, Deer Resistant

Landscape Features: Beds and Borders, Cottage Gardens, Rain Gardens or Prairies 

Additional information

Size - Perennial

1 Gal, 11 cm, 15 cm, 2 Gal, 9 cm